Sunday, January 28, 2007

Kids say the Darndest things..

I think that my nephews, Ben and Riley, are two of the most hilarious kids around! So, this entry is dedicated to some of their comments and quotes my sister has kept for future embarassment! Enjoy!

"I Barted!" ~ Riley (in the doctor's office after he let one rip)

When Ben was asked "Who's your favorite Aunt?" He replied, "A bug!"

After Ben sneezed on Riley's head, Riley wiped his head with his hands, looked disgusted and said "No bless you on Riley's head!"

One night when Ben was supposed to be sleeping, he was overheard talking to himself.."If I was a robot, I wouldn't wear underwear!"

Ben's fly was down, so his mom said "Your fly's undone" and he said "My what??" So Jen said, "Your know, your zipper!" So he looked down at his fly and said, "There's no fly on my pants!" (as in a bug)

Waking up from a nap, Riley began calling for his mommy. His dad went in to get him and Riley said, "Hi Daddy! I lost Mommy!"

Out shopping, Ben sees an East Indian man in a turban and asks, "Is that a pirate?"

When Ben was asked what he wanted for a snack, he said, "Meat and cheese and pickles and meatballs!" When asked why he wanted meatballs, he said, "So I can be fat like Uncle Chad!" (Just glad it wasn't me! hehe)

While playing Eye Spy with Ben and his mommy, it was Riley's turn and he said, "I spy, my eye, Riley's shoes!" So, his mommy guessed his shoes and he said, "Nope!" They spent a few minutes guessing and gave up. His color?? "Riley's shirt!"

When Ben and Riley were in the tub, Ben discovered his testicles and said "Mommy, I have balls in my penis! If I take them out, I will roll them!"

As Riley was trying to get out of the tub, stradling the side, he slipped and said "I hurt da nuts!"

And this is why I KNOW that my nephews are 2 of the funniest kids around!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I'm so sick and tired of snow, bad drivers, ice, cold, bad drivers, wind, black ice, winter and most of all, did I mention BAD BC DRIVERS?? I revolt! I'm on strike! I miss the rain, the clouds..the warm winter air! lol So, in honor of my strike, I post a warm sunrise photo of Mt. Baker. Hope it warms you all to the soul, as it is mine..well, with the help of my fireplace! Let's all lift our glasses (or mugs of apple cider) to summer..Here's to you, summer, COME BACK! And if you can't, will you please bring back our now beloved BC winter?? Send this junk back to where it belongs, the North Pole..or Saskatchewan! (I was gonna say Alberta, but I know there's many Alberta readers on here that I wouldn't wanna offend!) Stay warm, friends..I think my pleas might be heard..