Sunday, March 25, 2007

I've been published!

Nothing overly exciting, as it's just a Camper's Village magazine, but MY picture's on the cover! lol Mine is the one on the bottom of the 2 boys (Caleb and Ben) fishing on the dock. I took it last year at the Shuswap cute! Also, a pic I took of 2 grizzlies on Grouse Mtn. last fall made the cut on the inside of the the "Bear Safety Tips" area. If you click on this and scroll to the bottom, you can see it! Anyhow, just needed to share my news..even though I emailed it to almost everyone I know already! hehe least it gave me something interesting to blog about..hehe

Thursday, March 22, 2007

One day changes it all..

Today's my dad's birthday! And this one day, has now changed everything! He's reached an age that comes with certain privileges, and also set backs..Yep, he's 55! There a special vitamins just for the 55+, he can retire (ya, when's that gonna happen?? hehe), he can LEGALLY get the senior's discount (although it's been offered to him since he was in his, there's special life insurance commercials JUST for him, he's getting closer to those "driver's medicals", and he's now clumped into those warnings on roller coasters for "seniors, pregnant women and those with heart conditions". So, happy birthday, dad! And enjoy the ride to your sixties, Grandpa!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Eye on the prize(s)!

As my season has begun, I now look forward to medals, medals and more medals! Soon, the paperwork, emails, phone calls, decision making of being captain will slow down and I'll get to enjoy just "pounding some water"! So, to inspire myself, I thought I'd post a few of my favorite pics from last season! This one is from Harrison, where we won gold, despite 43 degree heat! Our boat is #4...the one with the coach hanging out over the drum! And that's tame compared to other races! In Nanaimo, she actually had to have us brace the boat so she could pick herself off the floor of the boat! Her legs were on the drum, but from her hips down, she was on the floor of the boat! Talk about a motivation factor! And her lungs aren't too bad either, lol!
Here we are with our medals from Harrison. We won a gold in the platinum women's division! Top of the heap for all the ladies teams! It was a roasting day, 4 races and 10 hours out at the lake...I was happy to get in the pool at a friends after, where I just laid for about 1/2 hour floating..I couldn't move! This is what I get excited about every spring?? Apparently so!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Follow your nose??

Okay..ever have one of those experiences when you walk into a small, enclosed space, and you're met with some very unpleasant odors?? So, ya, that happened to me twice yesterday! First, at 7am, going into the bank machine, I walk in as another lady leaves and choked my whole time in it. I mean, couldn't she have held her fart until after she was in the great outdoors! Gross! I don't need to smell you! And then, when I was in the elevator at my plact, it reeked like skunk! It was so vile, I tried to breathe through my shirt, but it didn't help one bit!! Yuck! Don't you hate it when you're trapped in stink, and there's no escaping?? Mind you, I DO have friend's who do that to me on purpose..

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Inaugural Paddle may have been a tad nippy, but Cultus couldn't have bee more perfect. Not even a ripple. The ripples in the first picture were actually created by us walking on the dock. That's how amazing it was. No snow, no rain, a slight breeze. I smartly brought my camera to capture the ladies bringing the boat over from the other side of the lake. About 5 or 6 of our team joined in with Spirit Abreast, the breast cancer survivor team, to help paddle the boat over. Timing isn't all that great in this shot, but..the reflection was so gorgeous that I had to post it! Next Saturday is actually our first official practice, as this was just a time to have new people come out and give the sport a try along side some of us veterans! Paddling ended with hot chocolate and snacks! And of course a team meeting! Looking like it's going to be a really great season! Let's see how "Captain Krista" can handle the

Thursday, March 1, 2007

A touch of white..

Enjoy it while it's melting fast! That's what I say now..hehe wonder what'll happen tomorrow..And by enjoy, I mean you Alberta people who are rubbing it in my nose! And I will enjoy the sunshine soon..I hope!

Ya, it's not the prettiest picture in the world..but I have an excuse! I was driving! lol And no..i didn't take my eyes off the road..well..for too long! I just rolled down my window, stuck my camera out and hoped for the best. Anyhow, if you look closely you can see a palm tree covered in snow near the middle of the'd think I was living in Cali or something!

What's happened to my Oilers??

I am and always will be a huge Oiler's mourn the loss of any chance of us making it to the playoffs ever again! What were they thinking?? Hello..Ryan Smyth held the team together! He was the heart and soul! Man..the Oiler's are gonna be kicking themselves when playoff time rolls around and they're sitting in their golf carts and listening to the games on the Yet, I still have this unrealistic hope that the cup will return home..yes I said home..that's where Lord Stanley good ol' Edmonton! And ya know..this reminds me of the time when my shoulder injuries and surgeries all paid off! I used to go to physio therapy at the Glen Sather Clinic in Edmonton and I was lucky to be there at the same time as Ryan Smyth. We were seperated only by a thin curtain..but I had my nose pressed up agains that thing as close as I could, trying to peek..cuz he was in his skivvies! lol Too bad the only view I got was of his profile..

And here's another soul to mourn..the retiring of the number 11 jersey..I remember the days! I have been a die hard Messier fan since as long as I can remember! When all the kids were collecting Gretzky hockey cards..I was collecting The Moose! For my 16th b'day..I got his hockey jersey. I used to wallpaper my bedroom walls with newspaper clippings of him and the Oilers. Not one spot went un-Messier-ed! So, it's official..he's man! And I have it on good authority that one of my good friend's hubby got all teary eyed at the ceremony..but I'll protect his identity, for fear of retaliation! Wish I coulda seen it..oh ya, and the ceremony too..hehe