Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Dave!

Seems like yesterday that I got the call...but really, it'll have been a full year on Sept. 30. Today is Dave's birthday, so to honor his memory, Karen (his wife) and I spent dinner at a sushi restaurant..cuz that's where Dave would have wanted to go! sushi for me..I had some tempura and teriyaki chicken..mmm Afterwards, Karen and I ventured to Ft. Langley to join her dragon boat team for some brews at the local pub. Okay, so I had a coke. Whatever! We still raised the glasses and toasted Dave, cuz on Sept. 3o/06...the world lost a great guy! I'm so happy that the accident didn't take Karen from us as well...Happy birthday buddy! Missing ya extra lots today!

1 comment:

Faye said...

Ditto.....we spent some wonderful quiet time at the Cemetery, smoked cigars and laughed at silly memories of our precious David.