Monday, August 27, 2007

Breakin' rules and gettin' pics!

Working on my photography portfolio, I ventured to the Westminster Abbey in Mission. Here are a few of the shots I got...

I really like this one..maybe it's the clouds, or the angle..not sure! But, it really stands out to me!

I love pictures where the sun peeks around corners! Here's where the rule breaking came in..the sign outside of the monastery said if you were wearing shorts you were absolutly NOT allowed in..but I just HAD to have some shots of the inside!
It's just so interesting in there! One thing I did notice..their big ol' pond of Holy Water had run dry..heheSome stained glass windowsMy friend's barn with stars seen slightly in the background (look ma! no flash!)

A bit of a weird angle..but it really excites me! I love this shot!
Gotta look closely..but you can see the big dipper in there!


Custom Concepts Photography said...

Great shots. I didn't think you were allowed to take ANY photos IN side the monastary! hmmmm...breaking lots of rules :)

Faye said...

Wow...fantastic photos Krista!

Rach said...

Wow .. your photos are awsome! I'm a photographer wanna be, and it's nice to get ideas on how to get great pictures with angles.

By the way, I'm Faye's sister and came by your blog by way of hers. :)

KPetrie said...

Thanks for the compliments! :-)

Faye said...

I added the pic of the barn to my Blog and sent people your way. I just love that pic and wanted others to enjoy your talent as well. By the way....Rach is more than a "wanna be" photographer....she does a superb job.....check out her Blog too. :)

Kaz said...

Hey... did you know that the cross was stolen just days after you went there?! hmmmmmm