Saturday, December 15, 2007

Kids are still saying the darndest things..

So, after a request for more, I shall post some more of what the boys have to say..honestly, they're 2 of the funniest people I know! Wonder if Kennedy is going to be as hilarious!

Quotes from Riley:

Riley and Ben were invited to a birthday party and Riley thought that they were going without their mom. When Nicole asked what their mom was going to do he said "mommy is going to China on a slow boat"

Riley's pants were on backwards after he went to the bathroom. Jen pulled them down to help him turn them around and he said he would do it himself. He then turned his body around in a circle pulled up his pants and wore them backwards for the rest of the day. (if only life could be so simple..hehe)

"Mommy my penis in bend." Jen said " Your penis is bent?!" Riley said "yah, I need to cut it off." Jen asked, "What will you do with no penis" He said " I will take Ben's."

Grammy: "your funny Riley"
Riley: "I'm funny AND cute"

Riley was jumping on Jen and Stephen's bed and Jen told him that if he did it one more time that she would kick him out of their room. He started to cry and said "you can't do that, it would hurt me!"

Ben Quotes:

They were sitting in the car waiting for Stephen to come back from the store and Ben said to himself " lets see if I can count to ten in ten seconds. He counted to ten and said "I win, I was faster!"

When Jen told Ben that she and Uncle Chad used to make jumps for their cars he looked at her strangely and said "Did you use to be a boy?!"

Thought you might like to see the boys at their best..starting with Ri's cookie decorating techniques..

Ben modelling his mommy's pj pants
Getting stuck in a stack of tires..Ben was playing nicely by himself and was fine until Riley decided to join him and wedge the 2 of them in! I'm so glad my sister grabs the camera before she rescues her kids! hehe
Compliments of daddy..marker moustaches..
For two..
Riley used a whole roll of tp to wipe his tushy..and then clogged the toilet! Of course this freaked him out (anything out of the ordinary is a disaster for him!) and Jen grabbed the camera! Poor mommy dry heaved her way thru the unclogging sheet at a time! hehe
He could be on Veggie Tales! I think one of them only had one boot too..
Here's Kennedy! Our little sweetie pie! I can't wait until I start getting quotes from her!

All photo credit goes to my talented little sister, Jennifer! Plus, she's the one that got me the quotes! Thanks, Jen-i-fart!

1 comment:

Kaz said...

BUAH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He is awesome. He is my favourite. so is Ben. (There-- I COMMENTED, happy?:-)