Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree(s)!

On Saturday, I went to the Van Dusen Gardens in Vancouver with my friend Carrie, and her friend Crystal. We schlepped our camera gear and tripods and took picture upon picture! And of course, we giggled and joked..cuz it wouldn't be a night out with Carried unless it involved side splitting, pee-dribbling, gut wrenching laughter! Hope you enjoy just a few of the photos I took that nite!

Some of the flower lights.
I love the reflection of the red lights on the lagoon.

During the Christmas light show.
Me!The fountain-ish thingy..
I like this reflection too!Gingerbread house!Me, Carrie and Crystal in front of Gingie's house..
Bein' silly!Holly bush.Carrie buying chestnuts roasted on an open fire..really! Oh..they taste nasty by the way!
Us girls, 2 gnomes..and Santa! And some little girl that wouldn't get out of our picture!
In the "flower" archwayMe again!More lights by the lagoon3 psycho elves..the craziest being the one on the left!In Santa's sleigh..


Kaz said...

Awesome, chicky!!!! So lovely!!! And the elves were pretty cute, too.... Santa, I have been a REALLY good girl this year.... May I have one of your elves? PUH lease???

Anonymous said...

I want to go there! so pretty....

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great photos. I haven't been there but think I should make the effort. the reflections in the water are the best.

Kaz said...

Hey! Christmas pics! Stat! Wanna see the munchkins!

Unknown said...

Your pictures keep getting better and better.

Desiree said...

Wow, that's crazy!! If I am going to keep painting, I am going to have to start carrying my camera everywhere, like you do. I see the coolest stuff, and then...well, I don't have my camera with me.