Thursday, July 24, 2008

Really LONG overdue!

So sorry about the very long pause between updates! My life has been crazy busy! I just got home last week from a 2 1/2 holiday in Devon, and as you can imagine, I came home with plenty of photos! I got there just in time for Kennedy's 1st birthday, on June 28. She sure loved her cake!
And Grammama brought her a tiara to go with her cake! She kept it on for quite sometime!

Grammama poses with her 3 great grandchildren! 4 generations!We spent tonnes of time out at Tammy and Dallas' farm south west of Calmar. We ALWAYS come back with funny stories and photos! Here, Nicole tackled one of Dallas' prized grain bins. That's as high as she would go!
Poor Riley did a face plant into a mud puddle! And being the caring and concerned Auntie that I am, I turned and ran for my camera first, Riley second! Playing in the canola fields...Riley too!One of my favorite photos of Kennedy. So precious! Kennedy and I posing in front of the field..she was more interested in the dog!My hottie sister! I swear, Nicole should be a model! She's disgustingly photogenic! Forget this nurse business! Go pose for photos for a living!
This photo just HAD to be included! Nice timing, hey? I was taking a nice shot of Nicole, and just as I clicked, our stinker nephew Ben whipped a koosh ball at her was so perfect! hottie sister!July 9 would have been James' 7 birthday, so I went out to the cemetery for a quick visit. Jen, Stephen and kids went out later and brought James a cupcake and sang happy birthday, a yearly tradition.I had to get a shot of this..since our beloved Patti is buried just behind James..she's watching over him for us!
Of course, Menna and I get together and cameras are constantly going!I wish we had a stick with a bag tied on the end..cuz I coulda taken a great shot of Menna looking like a hobo!Looking over the city. Always have to have a night shot!One of my favorite pics! Ben does the splits on the trampoline!Our cutie pie Riley! The kids and I.Nic and the kidletsNic and the boys (since Kennedy got tired of posing!) My mommy and daddy!


Renee said...

Love the photo of u and the sweet...looks like you had a great time with family...

megan edelman photography said...

welcome back's about bloody time!!! Love the field pictures!