Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sturgeon Fishing!

I got the opportunity to try my hand at sturgeon fishing on Saturday..and what a rush! I went with my friend Carrie and her friend Rob (who's a pro! That helps!)

Here's Carrie starting the day off with a good breakfast!

Shortly after we dropped our lines, we got our first bite! Carrie was the first to try and wrestle it in!
It was heavy! Rob gave it a try too!I kept busy making faces!My turn! Yes, it really was that heavy!Measuring the sturgeon! 5 foot 7 inches! WOAH!
Carrie trying to keep the tail from spanking her! Yep, she's squealing too!Much better! My turn! It took a little bit of convincing by Rob to stick my hand in it's mouth!2 thumbs up!Sturgeon number 2!This one was smaller..looks about 3 feet or so! It was hot! 33 C! So, how does one cool off? Hits the nearest watering hole! In our case, it was the muddy Fraser River!And what stayed dry with the head dip, got wet when using a bowl!My turn! Shorter hair and more of a chicken meant that the head dip wasn't as successful!
Put your legs into it!
I gave up and went straight to the bowl method!
It was a great day! Can't wait to do it again!


Renee said...

'bout time you updated!!! lol looks like you had an eventful time!! Can't believe how big your guy's catch was!!! Crazy!! Next time invite me along so I can come and get a cheers!

Custom Concepts Photography said...

crazy huge fish! looks like a lot of work, but a lot of fun!

E said...

no 'fish stories' here.. that fish was HUGE! Looks like you are still having as much fun as ever... Keep the updates coming! *hugs*

Renee said...

so umm very disappointed that u never update anymore or come see me anymore...i'm missing krista time...le sigh