Ya, here's my beef for the year:
I paid $1.27.9 for gas this morning. It's gotten to the point where I have to keep my back to the meter because it's too painful! Honestly! I DO NOT turn around until I hear the click! Now, not only are we being gouged at the pump (even as the price of oil drops consistently), but I have been putting more litres in my car than it actually holds. Me thinks there is a rat amidst! We got double gouging going on! Last week, I put 51L in my car. It holds 45L.
Teacher Asst. are being laid off, due to budget cut backs.
My line of work, Care Support in Group Homes, good luck getting a raise there! We're underpaid and overworked and yet the government can't seem to find the money to help us out.
And why am I complaining of all these things??
Because those morons we call politicians have decided that they deserve a raise! Wow..can't find the money to help out the people that barely make ends meet, but somehow find the money to give themselves a 29% pay hike. 52% if you're the Premier. Severance packages if you're not re-elected. Reinstating pensions. Well, people, I say we all quit our jobs and get in to politics. Then what are they gonna say?? No teachers, no nurses, no care workers..we all decided to get in to politics so we can give ourselves some sweet raises whenever we want! But they give themselves these raises so that they can upgrade their cars from
Lexus's to Mercedes, sell their 4000 sq. ft. house and get an 8000 sq. ft. house, not have to care about gas prices (after all, we pay their gas allowance), take 10 holidays a year instead of 5, and hire private tutors for their kids when the schools close due to budget cuts. If they had to live on normal salaries, didn't have gas, food, travel and living allowances and had to worry about making ends meet, I think there would be a heck of
alot more decisions made to benefit the "poor" (normal) people! AKA...US! I hate politics..why do I even bother complaining???