Monday, April 30, 2007

Aren't tulip fields amazing?? I love the colors and I couldn't resist taking the pics! This field is near Yarrow and I pass it all the time on the way to practice.
Nicole's first trip to Cultus Lake was a hit! She fell in love (and you wonder why I stay here..hehe) and decided the next family holiday was going to be here! And she wanted to go for a swim then too! lol But, she wasn't as brave as the kid we watched jumping off the little bridge over and over..haha
A blue heron at the reserve near Yarrow. Nicole makes a great photog. assistant! I say, we must go into business together! But..we'll have to stop the dropping of expensive things! In a 24 hour period, between Nic and I, we dropped my zoom lens (only a chip on the edge), my filter (no scratches), and my new flash (only a few scratches)! I tell ya, don't let us hold any ming vases anytime soon! lol