Sunday, April 22, 2007


Aww..sisters! They go together like mayonnaise and peanut butter, like old people and driving, like sport socks and flip flops..or if you're lucky like razors and hairy armpits! Yes, we compliment each other..if one has a need, the other has a cure (like shaving those darn pits..)! My sisters and I didn't get along too well when we were younger, but just as my mom had hoped (prayed, begged, wished, dreamt..) we're the best of friends today! We're each other's cheerleaders, protectors and support and I'm sure my mom's relieved that there's no more hair pulling, yelling, blaming, poking, crying..well, you name it, we did it!
And why am I so mushy?? Cuz my baby sister just flew in today! Mind you, she DID go straight to Seattle to spend the week with her friend while I work..but she WILL be coming back to play on Friday and I'm sure we'll have a tonne of fun! So, here's to sisters! Like fine wine, they get better with age! Usually..hehe


Renee said...

Well drink up then I say....but don't drink the

KPetrie said...

Custom Concepts Photography said...

whell...i would have to agree... my sister and i have gotten along much better as we are older and that i have children now! have fun with the drinkin party!lol

KPetrie said...

Gee..I don't know if it's cuz we "grew up" or cuz I moved out of province..hmm...

Mike, Lyndsay, Bayleigh, Carter and Grace said...

you three are so cute together! That was a very touching entry, sniff, sniff

KPetrie said... Too bad you're an only child, hey??

Estelle said...

I can agree on the siblings getting along better when you are in a different province and older!