Friday, April 6, 2007

Oh..the weather's so terrible here!!!

Or maybe it's not!!! 23 degrees baby! Yep! 20 yesterday, 20 tomorrow, feels like summer, feels like holidays! Only reason I put what I did in the title was so that all my Alberta readers would keep reading..hehe Cuz I know it's alot colder and snowier there!!! It'll come'll come! In the mean time, enjoy your Easters! Hmm..could be a problem for us this year, what with the heat melting all the choc. bunnies and such..(good thing I don't eat the stuff! HA!) ( I didn't take those pictures..I stole them..hehe a month, I will have ones JUST like those on my own camera..brag brag..)


Renee said...

If I weren't a nice girl I'd be calling you a little name right now...that I only reserve for people on special Enjoy your weather baby...cuz I'm gonna blow this white crap your way

KPetrie said...

Too bad the wind blows to "So-scratch-me-one"! HA You get all our crap, The Gap gets all yours! No worries..we're supposed to get a few days of rain early in the week...but it's still gonna be warmer here! lol

Unknown said...

We had you beat... It was 26 INSIDE the house on Saturday.