Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Harrison Regatta

We paddled out at Harrison Lake on Sat. for a full day of races..yep, we had 4 races! It was supposed to be raining all day, but luckily the rain didn't start until around 4-4:30..2-2 1/2 hours after our last race! Well..if our last race was on time, that is! Unfortunatly, the day was running more than 3 hours behind, so we didn't get off the water until about 5:30 ish. It was a long day, but we ended up coming in 1st in the Women's Competitive 'B' Division! Yay!

This picture was in the Chilliwack Progress this week..the only picture they used when they wrote about the regatta! Cool huh? I suppose that seeing as how the Water Warriors were the first Fraser Valley Dragon Boat team, that we're a bit special!
One of our cool racing pics.
Yep...that's me..I'm smilin'! That is a PRE RACE face..hehe
Our coach had the opportunity to drum for the MS team "Off Balance". It was so cool and inspiring to watch! They had a special boat set up for them, as most of the paddlers have MS, and have adaptive paddles or seats. It took about an hour to get them on the boat (some were in wheel chairs), and to figure out what race was their's. Shelly asked them what got them going hard, what they like to hear, and they all said "UNDER 3!" When Shelly asked them what that meant, they said that all they wanted was to come in under 3 minutes! Now, they aren't the fastest team by far, and are just thrilled to make it across the finish line, but how exciting to hear that Shelly got them across the line in 2:54! Here they are in their race!


Renee said...

So who took all your pictures???

KPetrie said...

I took the one of the dragon, and the ones of the MS team paddling, but one of the other paddler's boyfriend took the one of us racing, the paper took the close up during the race and my friend Karen took the one of me laughing! ;-)

Desiree said...

Looks like you girls had fun.

Faye said...

Very cool Pics, Krista! I love the dragon. It's very encouraging to hear about the boat with MS paddlers in it...such an example for those of us who struggle with various physical limitations. Sounds like a good time was had by all. Congratulations on your win *high five*