Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Legend of "Squatter's Landing"

This is the story of the Drew's gang with a tag-a-long..ME! An adventurous day of scouting and playing!

The day started off with us putting in the boat at Island 22..which is straight north of Chilliwack, on the Fraser River. We took the boat down the Fraser, which connected to the Harrison River, and followed that to Harrison Lake. We searched high and low for a good spot to put some chairs out and start a camp fire, for what Alanna calls "Camp Fire Therapy"
Here's Nicole..she helped look for the right spot too.

Our trusty driver, Wes! And here is the little gem that we discovered! A neat little cove at the far north end of Long island in the middle of Harrison Lake that is about 8 miles long. Apparently, we were about 40km up the lake..but it was gorgeous!
The view of the secret spot from the boat. Alanna and Nicole guarded it while we went tubing!

Here are our guards! Nicole and Alanna! Speed + choppy water = FUN! Nice hair Mitchel!Chris' hair was equally as pretty! Too bad we weren't able to shake either of them off!
I entertained everyone with a special synchronized swimming routine!
Toe point!
Wes was the chef..he makes good wieners! What the girls do while we wait for the boys to stop playing with guns..Sittin' on the tree trunk We named the place "Squatter's Landing" for very specific purposes..some of which has everything to do with the picture below..hehe
End of a long day..poor Nicole..we tuckered her right out!


Faye said...

I just LOVE how you tell such tales in picture form. I howled at the "Squatters" origin :) Krista, you've totally missed your calling...synchronized swimming is a natural for you!! Olympics, here she

KPetrie said...

Oh, but there's so much more to the squatter's story (how the name came to be) than I mentioned..there's just some things you can't put up on the