Sunday, July 15, 2007


Here are just a teeny sampling of pictures I took (or my sister took) while I spent 2 weeks in Devon. Enjoy!

A smiling Kennedy and Auntie Krista. If you missed the announcement, Kennedy Grace came on June 28 at 3:04am weighing 6lbs 8oz, 19 1/4 inches long.
Caleb posing in front of the neighbours teepee.
Riley..aka "Blue Eyes"
Caleb with his new costume Kennedy fits in the palm of daddy's hand. Can't wait till the day when she has daddy in the palm of HER hand!

Popsicles always taste better when eaten in the nude!
Bursting water balloons.
Mommy and Kennedy

Auntie Nicole and Kennedy
Me and Kennedy
I had the honor of being the photographer at Matt and Nicole's wedding while on holidays. Makes me feel old..I used to babysit Matt, and now he's married!

We did all the photography in mom and dad's backyard. The wedding party was a hoot..they were willing to do anything! Riley playing on the quad at the farm

Riley has an obsession with steering wheels..he sees 'em from a mile away and HAS to play with them! Here he is with his daddy in the tractor at the farm.
Caleb and Ben in the back of Dallas' pick up on the way to go see the cows.The 2 Calebs playin' on the bales that Caleb calls "marshmallows" at the dairy farm.

Ben making friends with the cows.

The kids waiting for the fireworks while sitting on the tractor. Tammy using her son to hide her face..the bum!
On the way home we stopped at Moose Lake near Mt. Robson. Caleb attempted to reach the stump.

He made it and then promptly fell in
Like a drowned rat! So, we decided to get his trunks on and play for awhile
Here's the beautiful scenery and Caleb Caleb pretending to be his Uncle Mike

Love this sillouette!


Faye said...

Welcome home Krista. had an awesome vacation and the pics are SO awesome!! I love how you captured not only the person(s)but the emotion of the moment. Some are hilarious, some so precious and some sweet.
Thanks for popping into to read my Blog...I didn't think I'd like it as much as I do.

Mike, Lyndsay, Bayleigh, Carter and Grace said...

you got some great shots in there!

sharon said...

I think it was Dave that told Caleb that those were marshmallows!