Thursday, August 23, 2007

Playin' with my Camera!

I've been out on the town with my camera a bit lately, so I thought I'd stick up some of my recent shots!

I took this shot out at Cultus Lake..I was there to take pictures of a friend's first kayak at the same time, provide pictures to update the kayak school's website. The lady who owns/operates the school also happens to be our coach for the dragon boating she does for us and we do for her! :-) The sun was peeking over the mountain and made for a really cool sillouette shot.

Had to include the infamous "wet exit" photo..this would be the ONLY one that Alanna did on Next to her is Ky, one of the kayak instructors.

On Monday, I went out to Ft. Langley to take some pictures of my friend Karen's dragon boat team. Although I haven't put up pics of the d.b. team, I did take them! I thought I'd let Karen put up the pics on HER blog! Anyhow, I met these lovely ladies while I was walking up and down the river waiting for the team to paddle back. One was knitting and the other was picking blackberries. I sat with them for a few minutes, showed them a few pictures that I had taken, found out they were watching for the same team as me (family on the boat) and then said goodbye. As I looked behind me, I saw these 2 lovely ladies sitting in front of such a pretty view and had to take a photo!
While I was waiting on the bridge (and looking like a jumper, I think!) for the team to paddle down, I was enjoying the scenery. I really liked this little church. Too bad the sun wasn't a little nicer for the picture! Not only were there dragon boats on the Fraser, but there were English Longboats. I always wanted to try one of those things! But, it was very majestic seeing this boat slice thru the calm water, with a nice reflection to boot!

Down by the berry fields near my place, there's a little white picket fence that has a TONNE of gorgeous flowers growing around it. So, last Friday, I brought my camera to work with me and then went straight there when I was done to catch the flowers in the morning light.

I've never really seen sunflowers with such a red color to them!
Don't know what this flower is, but I thought it was pretty!
Another red sunflower.'ve officially been with me on a few of my travels! Even if it is from a distance!


Desiree said...

I love your pics. I really really like the one of the old ladies. I think that I could paint that one. It kind of tells a story. I kayak, there is something therapeautic about rowing, that english long boat looks like fun.

Faye said...

Love the pics!! My neighbor has those lovely red sunflowers and they are so unique and lovely. I too love the one of the ladies sitting and looking down the river. The church pic is SO peaceful.