Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Chicks with Sticks...

On Sunday, I ventured out to Maple Ridge to watch a friend from dragon boating play hockey. I ended up taking the ferry from Fort Langley because I ended up going on hwy 1 instead of going thru Mission! That's fine with me, though, because I like the ferry! It's fast and free! What more could you ask for! So, here's my little story..and it starts out with getting on the ferry! I was 3rd in line, so I got a nice view..

I had a lovely breakfast of dinosaurs, and while I was waiting for the ferry to load, I decided to make them my models on my dash before I ate 'em!

My destination..no, not Golden Ears (the mountains in the background), but Maple Ridge, at the foot of the mountains.
Coming into the dock.I just had to take this picture of this lady as we were docking..a dragon boater from Maple Ridge walked on to paddle in Ft. Langley. I had to put the pic up because Karen (ahem) was SUPPOSED to be paddling, probably with her, but she chose to sleep in instead! HAHA

Here's the game! Meet Michelle..number 77..she's good! She plays on 3 different teams, but today she played with "Fox's Fury"
Nice form, Michelle!Face off..Fox's Fury wins it..you can see the puck getting ready to head back to the D.Even though this pic is a bit blurry (lighting conditions weren't exactly prime) I had to put this up anyhow..cuz this lil' lady went down hard! All for the love of the game..lol
Tryin' to sink the puck.Love this shot..lol Number 33 runs into this poor opponent and totally flattens her.."Wasn't me!" Guess who ended up getting the penalty? Not 33! LOL
Number 18 takes it thru center ice into the other zone..Michelle's in the blue socks.Getting ready for a face off. Michelle, you look intimidating!GOAL!!!
DOH! No goal..lol Puck went in..but after the whistle!Fox's Fury won 2-0 and after a lovely lunch with the team, I got back on the ferry and went home! I was one of the last to get on, so my view wasn't as nice..Yep, this was the view I got on my way home!Too bad I was too flustered when I got to Ft. Langley to take more photos..I ended up in the middle of a parade! All of the sudden I saw guys with muskets and saw horse drawn carriages clopping down the street..kind of a little surprise for me!


Renee said...

Heee heee that's funny you got caught in a parade....good times....and hey there's nothing like hockey startin' off the winter right!

KPetrie said...

Ya..sounds like something that would happen to me..lol

Desiree said...

The pics off the ferry make me wish that I was living in BC. I was born out there you know...and would love love to live on the island. But hubby does not like it...not one bit. But I can always hope.

Kaz said...

Those dinos look vaguely familiar... are those the candies that I gave you at my party??? Either way, I am just glad that you had good company on your little trip. I hope they survived the ride back.

KPetrie said...

They didn't even survive the whole trip there..lol And, yes..same dinos! Thanks!

Kaz said...

OK... you can't blame me for not noticing the "paddler" cuz I looked again, and I still don't see her. Post the picture, dammit!