Monday, January 14, 2008

Home for the holidays..

I spent Riley's b'day and New Years in Devon this year, and had 10 days of photo ops! Hope you enjoy a VERY small snippet of my time!

Riley liked to wear Gramama's reading cute!

Uncle Chad is like a walking wrestling mat..the boys LOVE it! And of course, Caleb and Mykah have fond memories of when they got to wrestle with Chad too..they sure miss him!
This is Riley's preview of his birthday cake..I think he liked it! It had construction equipment and roads..right up his alley! Riley got a time out on the "naughty step" so Gramama went and shared his punishment..hehe
Grammy dropped Uncle Chad's 2L of pop! What a mess!Kennedy looking as adorable as ever! I think that she's waving to her Great Aunts Wendy and Susie! We missed you!

Riley swept the sidewalk for his mommy and daddy.
Snow angels!Bad Auntie Krista encouraged the snow angels..with no snow pants..heheThe final results!
Being silly..Uncle Chad and the boys dancing to "It's Magic" by Pilot (from the Herbie soundtrack) I think they know all the words too!Me and the boys
Auntie Nicole with Sesame, Ben, Riley and KennedyMe and the kidsKennedy tried yams for the first time..and she LOVED them!
Time was also spent out at Tammy and Dallas' farm outside of Calmar. While Tammy dug into the laundry, and Dallas was emptying out a grain bin, Carson and I went outside for a bit!Dallas doing what he does best! That auger was REALLY loud!Dallas' grain bins..I think they are his new pride and joy..and I thought it made for a cool photo!
The farm at night..reminds me of the nativity scene or something.Looking east into the night sky.

1 comment:

Kaz said...

HOW many days of photo ops? You are repeating, repeating yourself, darling!

Love the pic with the cake... like he is totally up to something!

I think you should use the "nativity" photo for the mag, Kris.