Sunday, February 10, 2008

Birdie Birdie, in the sky..

..dropped a turdy in my eye..I'm no baby, I won't cry! I'm just glad that cows don't fly! I HAD to use the moved me! Last week I went on the hunt for trumpeter swans, and found many different types of birds that caught my camera and me by surprise! I put them on my blog so Gramma and Grampa Petrie could, G and G..I hope you love them!

As you know, I have always had an obsession with blue herons, thanks to the grandparents! My goal in life is to get the most amazing photo of a heron so I can enlarge the photo and frame it for them. One day, day! I saw this fellow hiding down by the canal near a park when I was driving. I think sometimes, I have my dad's eyes..he sees everything!
Dad says this is a Cormerant. I have never seen one before, but the yellow on the black caught my attention. So beautiful!

Here's what the heron did to me for an hour..I'd catch up to it, and it would fly away..I walked up and down that darn canal for an hour trying to get "the shot"! Oh well. I think the birds are smarter than me!
The last photo before the heron took off for good.Dad thinks that these are wood ducks. It's the reflection that caught my attention.Another reflection shot.
Here are those Cormerants again. Reflections make the most amazing photos even more amazing..Some trumpeter swans make their presence known. I hopped in my car and followed the "honks" and found a few hanging out with some mallards. As I opened my car door, they all started to fly, so I quickly took a few photos while still sitting in my car! I had to get this view!

Found some more interesting birds..and majestic as well! I do love bald eagles, and see them all the time, especially when I'm dragon boating. Always wishing I had my camera. This time I did.
Some more trumpeters coming in as the sun starts to set.I thought this was a hawk, but luckily, my very smart dad pointed out that it's actually a Golden! There was actually 2 of was right above my head, the other was this one, just across the pond.A little blurry, but I still like it! Must be another one of those Cormerants!The bald eagle with the sunset in the background. Nice way to end my adventure!

1 comment:

Renee said...

Great when you come to Alberta to visit....we need to come up with a photo themed road trip....seriously this will be done!!! lol