Sunday, February 24, 2008

It took a few weeks..but I finally caught 1! Actually..2!

I've been out enjoying the gorgeous weather (+15ish) and sunshine, lately, so I thought I'd share some of what I've been up to!

These crosses stand for babies killed by abortions..apparently it's almost 2000 babies a week! They put these crosses up every year and I think it's an amazing protest. Sad, but amazing. There's one in Abbotsford, but this one was taken in Lynden, Washington.

The full moon a couple of days before the eclipse. Shortly after I took this, I got a flat tire! I was out looking for Bald Eagles, and not only did I not find the eagles, but a pot hole cost me $220 for a new tire!The eclipse..a little dark, but we had cloud cover!

As the eclipse was just ending..
A Canada Goose in flight (it was trying to get away from me..haha)Still going..A duckie..who knows what kind!
Another duck!I had to phone a friend and make her flip through her bird watching novel to figure out what this was! An American Coot! Isn't it strange looking??Another ducky!
Love the colors..Mallard flying away!Again, flying away!
Another ducky, just relaxing in the water.And I finally found those darn Bald Eagles! 2 of them! And they were at Mill Lake, just down the road from my place..and I had spent 2 weeks driving all over God's green earth searching for them! Sheesh!Another one!
Here he is again!This is the 2nd one...every time they left the tree, they were chased down by seagulls.I waited about 15 min. with my camera to my face for the eagle to fly away for the "money shot"!And I got it!Taking a bath..And another bather!


Renee said...

Again some great photos Krista...oh what patience:)

Sue said...

Beautiful pictures Krista - damn your good!

Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

The crosses made me cry, glad you ended with some pretty birdy pics :) You are a great photographer!

Leanne said...

Your pictures are amazing!

KPetrie said...

Thanks, guys!!

kelly ens said...

Hi Krista, I'm a friend of Megan's - now that she has a blog, I found yours. Thanks for the note about the American Coot. I have wondered for a few years what the heck those ducks were!
(I live right near Mill Lake too!)

KPetrie said...

Thanks Kelly. I took a few more shots out there today of one that I can't we'll see what I can come up with!