Sunday, February 3, 2008

Choose your own adventure!

We made it to Stanely Park's 3rd Beach just as the sun was setting, and rushed down to the water for the view.
Of course we had to goof off too! I totally love this photo..and there was no editing to it! All fluke!

Josh shows us his stuff.

Stephen, future cheerleader!
Matt, hair model extraordinaire!Pretending to be "tourists"
The Lost LagoonDowntown Vancouver with the Lost Lagoon in the foreground.One of the swans that came over for a snack..
Too bad that the "snack" was a $20 bill that Stephen held tightly onto!Some more attempts and getting the swan to try and eat the bill..City scape with the swan in the foreground


Unknown said...

Cool pics...hey, aren't those guys suppose to be working?

Anonymous said...

You have such amazing talent Krista. It's always a joy to look at your photos!

KPetrie said...

Thanks guys! And, yes, Bryce, you're right..they're out here working! But..I got to catch them on their off hours! That's what being the bosses daughter is all about!

Mike, Lyndsay, Bayleigh, Carter and Grace said...

AMAZING is all there is to say!

Renee said...

great photos...but I already commented on all of them on FB...can't be witty twice in a row...ha ha..great stuff Krista

Anonymous said...

Wow girl! Loving the pics! HUGS Char