Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Like the good ol' days..

My brother in law came out for a couple of days for work, so we made the most of it and did some of the things we both love! Fish and Chips at Pajo's in Steveston, walking on the beach, people watching, checking out little shops, frozen yogurt, candy shops..it was a great way to spend a sunny Saturday afternoon!
This little guy was one of the many that we kept fed..

One of the swans that we saw down on the pier..it was HUGE!
Stephen taking photos of one of the swans

The pair.
One of the shrimp boats set up to sell us fresh shell fish..mmm
Lots of kites out at Gary's Point! There were 2 really big ones! And this guy hopped up on his sled on wheels and rode the wind all the way across the field and back again!Down on the beachThis photo really catches my eye for some reason..
Smashing rocks!

1 comment:

Custom Concepts Photography said...

I really like the black rocks on the beach!