Monday, April 21, 2008

Weekend in Victoria

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to visit a friend from Edmonton who was in Victoria for the week. I went out for the weekend and had a blast, despite the weekend starting off like a bad 3 Stooges film! After I worked a night shift, I drove to the ferry terminal, and waited for the 9am ferry. As the cars started to go, I went to start my car and was met with a terrible er er..Ahh! My battery was dead! (Lesson learned: do not sit and listen to your radio with out your car running..being kind to the environment gets you punished!) So, I pound on my steering wheel a few times, try again, hear the same sound, start running to cars around me asking for cables and came up short. I had to sit there and direct cars around my car and think about what to do. So, I sprint to the ticket booth in the pouring rain(which was not close, by the way) and have them call someone to boost me. I get the jump, and make it on the ferry with 5 min. to spare. But, with driving so little of a distance to get on the ferry, I was confident I would run into the same problem. And you guessed it, it happened! So, I had to direct the cars around me again (how humiliating!) and wait to get jumped again! Finally, I had a running car, and was on my way to meet up Ximena at the hotel! I tell you, the weekend vastly improved from there!

We drove up to Duncan on the Sat. to meet my grandparents for lunch and Menna became an instant member of the family!

Menna also made a friend with our friendly neighbourhood violinist!
We had lunch at a cute little pub!
On the Malahat highway..we decided to be tourists and make a bad left turn into the pullout..Good thing Menna's blind..she missed out on seeing any imminent danger..hehe
Menna has an album in progress, and as she writes her songs, she gets inspiration for photos! And, as her personal photographer, I followed direction! Here, she played her newly purchased kazoo on the street and held out her hat. We were just pretending, of course!
I asked this nice woman if she would pretend to drop money in her hat for a photo.
Go figure, she put in a REAL toonie! hehe

Menna then joined this fellow for an impromptu concert.
I love this photo of natural! She's always laughing!
Having fun with the "statue" ladyCherry blossoms, me, Menna, and our paper stick figure Deb! She couldn't really be there for the weekend, so we pretended she was!Leg grounds at night.
The fountain in front of the Leg. buildingBuds!


megan edelman photography said...

ahhh the home town...I didn't know you had grand-rents in Duncan?? Love the parliament pics the best...and the busking one! We've always joked about it, but have never done...this summer...I will make my debut!

Renee said...

Great photos! And love the ones you took at the Leg at night!!! Beautiful!