Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hiatus Over?

I have no idea why I just felt the urge to go and breathe life into my long since abandoned blog. Maybe I do. With more and more people using facebook or twitter as their own personal soap boxes that are infiltrating my newsfeed, and me trying to be less and less specific about my life on there, my old blog is starting to feel more welcoming. Maybe I'll use this space to get more personal, feel like I have more freedom with my thoughts and ideas. After all, a blog is something you can chose to read. Facebook and twitter are all up in your face.

Looking back on old blog posts, my theme is usually family, fun, photos, the occasional story. I have no idea if I'll keep the same flavor! I am, after all, much more mature 4 1/2 years later. (right?) In the meantime, if you were a regular follower, sorry I was gone so long! If you're new, welcome!

I'll breathe some new life into this ol' gal with some of my favorite collages I've created lately. I've got a bit of a sneaky/humorous streak. Take it or leave it!

A little failed help from big brother!
What's more fun that making boobs out of balls for 2 little boys?

Faces at the beach

Best. Halloween. Photo. EVER.

Big guy using little guy as a paintball shield!

Hope you enjoyed the preview! Stay tuned for more...

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