Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Kelowna Regatta

The Water Warriors went to Kelowna for our final regatta of the year and placed 4th in the top women's division. Pretty good, despite treacherous paddling conditions! Saturday's races went well, but Sunday was insane. 2 foot swells and a hard wind made for a 2 hour delay plus the race officials cutting the 500m course to 250m, starting us at the halfway markers and racing us towards the start line, to avoid a head wind. It helped..but it was still nasty! They sent the women out in that weather, and then promptly cancelled the mixed division finals because it was too dangerous! Typical! Women and children first, I suppose!

Notice Shelly's form (our coach sitting in the drummer's seat..or is it sitting??) She's what gets us to that finish line that sometimes feels like it's 2 miles away.
This was taken on an awkward angle, and it looks like we placed 1st, but we actually came in 2nd in this heat. Lost by 1 second. BUT..our time was 2:18...VERY fast! Doing out cheer, while breathless!Shelly showing us her approval.
Ahh..a tradition started 2 years me of course! We pick one poor sucker and wait all weekend for them to use the out house, and then wait outside with a paddle archway "honor guard" and surprise them! The plan was to nail Alanna, but by Sunday afternoon, we still hadn't caught her, so when we saw Marion go in, we scrapped the Alanna idea and went for Marion!
And then Alanna returned from where ever she was and announced she had to pee..hehe Luckily, she missed Marion's honor guard, so we quickly grabbed our paddles and ran to the johnny on the spots and waited..and waited..and waited..(cuz she was "thinking") and then..she came out! Yep..she screamed her head off! TOO FUNNY!And like the good sport she is..she walked the cat walk like a pro!Final race on can notice a nice big wave taking shape under Shelly at the front of the boat. We were no where near dry when we were done! But..we were still happy with our finish!
Notice how happy we are? Despite the wet...heheI wear a hat so I don't look like the other ladies in this picture..hehe Kidding! It keeps the hair outta my eyes..and everyone elses views!
Our Sat. nite "surprise for Shelly Purple Party"! Dollar store finds and tickle trunk scraps made for some VERY interesting outfits!Lara's daughter, Sasha, fed the ducks my pizza crusts and they became fast friends. This one played tug of war with Sasha! And they left a nice present on the grass..And I picked it up! GROSS! My purple outfit..and yes, those are my home made pasties! heheSharon always has the best outfits and wigs! I think she's the real life Marge Simpson..When it got dark enough..I put on my glow in the dark ears..

A few of the crazies we saw that nite...
Here's Shelly wearing some of her purple gifts she received..including the bra! The funniest part was watching her try and squeeze into those goggles, though!

Me and Chels..2 more weirdos on the team! Lovin' the pig tails!


Anonymous said...

Okay you guys have WAY Too much fun!!

I'm so glad you came out! IT was great catching up :)

Kaz said...

It was a great weekend!!!! Where am I??? tee hee hee.... THUNDERPOT!!!!

KPetrie said...

Yes we did! And we always do! haha As for you, Karen..well, I thought I'd save YOUR pictures for YOUR blog! hehe After all, I wouldn't want to put up pictures that you wouldn't want certain ppl to see..ahem..hehe

Faye said...

Wow....great races and a hoot of a party afterwards. What a great idea to have a "purple" party! What a unique "Honor Guard"

Custom Concepts Photography said...

who was taking all the photos while you were paddling?