Sunday, November 25, 2007

Disney on Ice

On Saturday evening, I took the P.I.T. (Princess in Training) to go see "Princess Wishes" Disney on Ice in Vancouver. It's been a tradition to go every year for the last 4, and I have always taken her brother, Caleb, for his birthday. Last year, I took both of them, and this year was Mykah only..cuz Caleb didn't think dressing up as a princess and going to see a bunch of skating princesses was all that appealing! We sat about half way up, but lucky for my zoom lens, I was able to get some pretty awesome pics! Keep in mind..I used NO flash! Not bad, hey?

On the way there, Miss Mykah fell asleep..the whole drive!

But she pepped up once I got some cotton candy into her! Oh, and the overpriced, light up tiara helped too! Mykah wore a floor length gown for the occasion!
Showing off her royal smile!
I tried on the tiara, but for some reason it didn't fit!With the cotton candy..came a second crown..Cinderella makes her grand entrance before the show actually started..They were on the ice about 2 minutes. Nice little teaser. Then the announcer said "3 minutes till show time" After 5 passed, Mykah, the smartie pants, said "It's been longer than 3 minutes!"
Aladdin was the first on the ice

Jasmine was soon to follow
The 7 dwarfs were adorable!
Belle showing her flexibilityThe can can line with LuminiereCheck out the pirates on the platform..
They made this other pirate FLY!ArielAriel getting in trouble from King TritonAriel and FlounderIntermission photo shoot! I wore the chintzy crownMore royal poses..Ariel's flexible too!
The flame blowing dragon (Mykah's favorite part)Sleeping beauty and Prince PhillipSome royal extras..Cinderella and Prince CharmingMore of the same..Tinkerbell rounds out the finale..Mykah after the show posing in front of the sidewalk lined trees all lit upAnd then 10 min. before we got home..she crashed!


Kaz said...

Mykah looks so beautiful! I am sure the little PIT needed her beauty sleep, though! It looks like it was a blast. Great pics, Chika.

KPetrie said...

Why danka, darlin'! And yes..she is a little pit..haha

Renee said...

Looks like you kids had a blast...great pics too!