Sunday, June 17, 2007

It must be me..

In a matter of 5 days..these two gals changed their entire summer! I'm starting to think that the common denominator is me!

Here's Mykah and her teeny cast and teeny crutches that her daddy made for her.
And here's Mykah showing us WHO broke her leg! lol At least she'll have leverage later on in life!
And here's the gross one! Surgery, rods, hardware..ya, this break is a doozy!
And this is Michelle stuck in her hospital bed, with her morphine "fun" button and oxygen. Could life be any better?

1 comment:

Faye said...

Hi Krista,
I thought I'd just say hi....I'm Karen's M-I-L :) I totally love the pics you took of you and her at the garage sale....too funny! :)
Come over to my Blog for coffee sometime....I welcome Karen's friends.