Saturday, June 9, 2007

Once upon a garage sale...

After getting to sleep at 3am and waking up at 6am to be in Surrey for 7:30am, Karen and I documented our garage sale fun!

Here is Karen pricing her goods!

And this is the loot. Too bad it was raining. But at least we stole the canopy from next door. That helped!
Karen's plastic margarita glasses! She sold them for 2 bucks! The worst part of being in Surrey..the chicken processing plant. ICK! They were burning carcasses and it smelled so bad we were gagging.
So, I put my peppermint gum under my nose..kinda like the Vic's under the nose for the coroners? Ya, I know..gum doesn't work. And it fell onto the ground right after the picture.So, I tried my sleeve. Sorta helped.. We used our lovely teeth and smiles to attract customers. Karen has bling.
I tried to convince people to spend money on Karen's stuff so I could afford a dental visit. Aren't we just a good looking couple. Shuddering at the thought of our offspring. To keep from getting bored, we played UNO. I can shuffle.
Karen used the pick up 4 card on me several times that day. As you can see, I didn't have any mean cards. And this is why she has a mischievous grin on her face.
After a few rounds of UNO, Karen decided to go check out the goods at the other tables. This is her walking away.
I was lonely..all by myself..waiting..waiting..wondering what she would buy.. She bought an A and W mug! Wow..a dollar well spent! I bought 4 baseballs and a bat for 2 bucks!
There were alot of weirdos "shopping" in the area (remember..we were in Surrey) This guy is one of the druggies that came digging thru the stuff. He and his 2 friends spent $200 on junk..and then realized that they still had to get it home. He used his mini bike to take home a bag with his brand new shoes. And looked like an idiot while he was doing it. I also thought that the New Kids on the Block came to town..looks like Danny! "Oh oh oh oh oh..Oh oh oh oh! The right stuff"

This is the "gangsta" dude zooming past our table on his mini bike. It kept stalling and he'd have to try and start it while he was still coasting.There goes our "New Kid" on his bike!


Desiree said...

this is why I have absolutely no desire to have a garage sale. You never mentioned how much dough you pulled in.

KPetrie said...

lol, I think my friend got under $ I was there to wages for me!