Wednesday, June 13, 2007

We go crazy before we make it to Timmy's..

I brought my camera to practice again tonite, cuz one of my gals needed her portrait taken before practice. Good excuse to get silly after. I think my photog. obsession has rubbed off on my car pool buddy, Chels.

I am clearly disturbed.

That's better..more "normal" For some reason, whenever I pass the Jenny or Pam mobile, I have the need to "sneak" up on them and get really really close. My passenger had a hard time taking the picture. For some reason, she couldn't stop laughing.And Brit was following us in the Highlander (because we HAVE to stop at Timmy's after every practice) and couldn't figure out why we were driving so close to the Jenny-mobile...until she saw the camera flash, that is. She's still laughing..


skonn said...

Those teeth are hilarious - it looks like you are having way too much fun with them!! Love the mountains in the background - it makes my heart happy to see them :)

KPetrie said...

Aww..remembering the ol' stompin' grounds are ya?? Sounds like you could use a 'Wack holiday!